What We Deliver
One stop source for expert teams (North America and Europe) customized to your situation:
Advise on or implement the most valid research methods so that the evidence is valid and can be used
Measurement of health, health care effectiveness and costs as your program and product needs emerge
Evidence for strategies in health or health care at all levels: system, community, organization, and program
Answers to your organization's good questions
Ways We Deliver
Identify root causes of illness and health
Assess and recommend the best evidence-based policies and programs
specific to your situation
Quantify reduced drug cost under current benefits that can be shifted to more
cost-effective new policies and programs
Support you in applying the evidence to the review, selection and evaluation of
program suppliers
Identify or design valid ways to monitor the population in concert with the program
supplier and other resources you have engaged
Validly evaluate policies and programs
All Content ©2009 Health Systems Innovations Inc.